So you want to be a plant goddess but don't know where to start? Here's eight plants that are perfect for beginners (...or negligent plant parents)

The Sansevieria aka Snake Plant aka Mother in Laws Tongue is by far the easiest plant to maintain for first time plant parents. In fact, it was the first plant I ever purchased which has led to me having over 50+ plants in my house in the first year. I guess you could call it a gateway plant!
Snake plants basically thrive on neglect. They can survive in low light and are extremely drought tolerant. (This means you can even put one in your tiny studio bathroom that has no windows)
One of the best things about snake plants is that there are so many different varieties. My favorite are Sansevieria Moonshine, and Whale Fin

Lighting: Low light to Bright Light
Water: Once per month. They plants require very little water so make sure to let the soil dry between waterings. Also, try to avoid getting their leaves wet.
Golden Pothos
The Golden Pothos was the second plant I bought and has become one of my favorites simply because its easy to care for and extremely rewarding. Mine is constantly putting out new growth and has quadrupled in size since I got it.
Pothos are great for hanging planters and the vines will grow very quickly. This also makes them super easy to propagate and make new plants. Last year everyone on my Christmas list got a propagated piece of my Pothos. They’re basically the gift that keeps on giving.

Lighting: If outdoors, shade to partial shade. If indoors, partial to bright light. Golden pothos can also withstand low light but they will lose their beautiful variegation on their leaves.
Water: Every 1-2 weeks. Pothos are prone to root rot so allow the soil to dry out before watering. You will know when it is thirsty because the leaves will start to curl slightly.
Humidity: Pothos enjoy high humidity conditions but will also thrive without.
There are tons of other varieties of pothos too! Another one of my favorites is the Satin Pothos.
ZZ Plant
Aside from just having an awesome name, the ZZ plant is a great starter plant for anyone with a busy schedule that might ‘forget’ to water their plants. ZZ plants originate from Africa which makes them super drought tolerant. I only water mine once a month and its still thriving! It can also survive in low light environments

Lighting: Low light to Bright Light. Avoid direct sun.
Water: Every 2-3 weeks. Allow soil to dry between watering.
Humidity: Normal humid conditions
Monstera Deliciosa
The Monstera Deliciosa is a staple that every crazy plant parent needs. I love the tropical vibes that they add to any room.
Young plants will have completely enclosed leaves but as the plant matures and gets more light you will get leave that have more fenestrations (holes)
Pro Tip: My Monstera loves to live outside on my porch during the summer, it thrives in the humidity.

Lighting: Thrives in bright to medium indirect light. Does not do well direct sun as the leaves will burn easily. However, it can be slowly acclimated to withstand direct sun.
Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, allow soil to dry between watering. Will need more water the more light it receives.
Humidity: Can survive in normal conditions, but loves humidity.
Bird of Paradise
A Bird of Paradise is another plant to add tropical vibes to your home. People commonly mistake them as Banana plants due to their similar leaves.
These plants will survive indoors but it is highly unlikely that you will get them to flower.
Lighting: Bright light! These plants do great next to a window or on your porch.
Water: Enjoys moist but not soggy soil. Allow the top 2” of soil to become dry between waterings, but the soil below should still be moist.
Humidity: Normal humidity conditions, however it will also thrive in high humidity.
Aloe Vera
An aloe vera plant is very easy to care for both indoors and outdoors. Since aloe plants are succulents they require lots of light and little water. You can aloe vera gel for tons of health benefits as well! You can apply the gel directly to your skin or even use it as an ingredient for smoothies or foods.
Lighting: Bright indirect light.
Water: Very infrequent waterings. Every 3 weeks, water less in the winter.
Pilea Peperomioid
The Pilea Peperomioid is often called the Chinese Money Plant and is great for beginners! I absolutely love their cute, round leaves. Pileas don’t require much attention and will even tell you when they’re thirsty. You will know when it is time to give your Pilea water because its leaves will begin to droop slightly.
Pro Tip: Be sure to rotate your Pilea occasionally to ensure that it gets even light and wont grow lopsided!

Lighting: Bright indirect light.
Water: Every 2 week. Pileas do not like soggy soil!
Humidity: Normal to dry humidity conditions.
Cacti or Succulents
There are hundreds of different cacti and succulents to choose from. Cacti and succulents are great because they’re so resilient and drought tolerant. They are generally found in deserts and dry environments so they don’t require a lot of water, but they do need lots of light. They are perfect for window sills as well as patios and porches!

Lighting: Bright light, some varieties can even survive in direct sun.
Water: Less water. However, water thoroughly when dry.
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